Custom Home Builder, Rio Rancho and surrounding areas (505) 891-3181
Custom Southwest Homes
Gallery of Homes This gallery presents many examples of Iliff Construction's homes in New Mexico. All are custom built with attention to southwest architectural details and features. All tile work, cabinetry, doors and ceiling treatments are samples of local artisan's quality work.
Vigas, Latillas, Nichos
Custom Tile
Vigas, Latillas, Nichos
Vigas are the large beams that originally held up the roof and/or second stories of Pueblo and Spanish architecture in New Mexico. Nowadays they are not used for support; instead they are an authentic ceiling treatment and provide an extra layer of insulation in flat roofs. Other roof joists or beams carry the load of the roof. Vigas can be simple round pine poles, with hand-adzed surfaces, or perfectly milled round lumber ready for staining. Rough-lumber square beams are also a good choice for a rugged, masculine feel. Corbels are the carved pieces holding up the square beams. In between the spans of vigas, several treatments are available. Latillas, or small sticks of spruce or pine, are the standard for authentic southwest ceilings. Individually placed, latillas can be straight across or herringbone to the vigas. Pre-made panels of latillas attached to plywood sheets create an authentic atmosphere, again available straight or herringbone. Another popular treatment is rough-sawn strips of wood in various widths, either individual or on plywood sheets. Smooth plaster or drywall is also a popular option; this technique makes the vigas stand out in contrast to the smooth surfaces in between the beams. Nichos, in southwestern architecture, are decorative recess set into a wall. They are most often used to display a statue, vase, art, or other object.
Call: (505) 891-3181 Email: Terry Iliff Copyright © Iliff Construction — All Rights Reserved | New Mexico Contractor's License: GB-98 #82925